House Baratheon:

Robert Baratheon is a former member of House Baratheon and a former king of the Seven Kingdoms. Robert Baratheon was crowned king of the Seven Kingdoms after winning the War of the Usurper. A large man, Robert was once a renowned warrior, but grew fat from excessive alcohol and food consumption. He was known for his gregarious personality and remarkable ability to turn enemies into friends.

Stannis Baratheon is the elder of Robert Baratheon's younger brothers. A brooding, humorless man known for a hard and unyielding sense of justice, he is obsessed with slights real and imagined.

Renly Baratheon is the younger brother of Robert and Stannis Baratheon. He ruled as Lord of Storm's End, and served as Master of Laws on Robert's small council. He is a handsome and charismatic man, winning friends easily, but also strikes some people as frivolous.

Shireen Baratheon is the daugher of Stannis Baratheon and his only child. Her mother is Lady Selyse Florent. When Shireen was an infant she suffered from an infection called greyscale. The disease, which almost killed her, left much of her face deformed. She resides in Dragonstone, where she is usually seen in the company of the castle's fool, Patchface.

Gendry Waters was born in King's Landing not knowing who his father was. Tobho Mott, a master smith, took him on as an apprentice after being paid double the customary fee by a man who concealed his identity.

Edric Storm is the bastard son of King Robert Baratheon and Delena Florent. Edric is a sturdily attractive youth, with coal-black hair and deep blue eyes common to the Baratheon line, although he also has the large ears common to House Florent.

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